Cafés, Food-to-Go, Street Food, Coffee Shops, Tea Rooms, Games Cafés, Cat Cafés...

It's an ever-expanding business model which has many a creative spin, but all boils down to quick service, often small plates, short-stay customers, frequent table turns and providing a constant flow of welcoming, friendly and responsive food service to the public.

What Does A Catering Engineer Do? The Full Lowdown

The term ‘catering engineer’ is bandied around a lot within the foodservice equipment industry. But what does it mean in real-world terms?

ENSE spoke with Grant Shaw to find out.

How Eco can you Go?

Make 2025 more sustainable, switch to compostable food service packaging and increase your green credentials.

Distributor Newcomer of the Year Award

2025 is off to a glittering start - we have reached Finalist stage in the ENSE Awards!

Just a few of the major events that have been taking place at W V Howe

At the 2024 Distributor of the Year Ceremony at the magnificent Grand Connaught Rooms in Covent Garden - hosted by Catering Insight.

The glittering awards ceremony at London’s DeVere Grand Connaught Rooms was full of surprises, with the highlight of the evening bringing pride and joy to our table, when Derek Howe was honoured with a Lifetime Achievement award!

Catering Insight are hosting their annual Awards in mid November and WV Howe have been shortlisted for Distributor of the Year!

The prestigious award celebrates distributor businesses who have shown significant growth and innovation over the past 12 months.

Derek Howe is handing over the reigns to the next generation of his thriving family business after half a century.

As we embark on the 80th year since the company was founded, we’re under excellent new management.

The Russells Hall Hospital Kitchen Installation was carried out over a weekend at the Dudley site.

The installation team removed the existing Pitco fryers on the Friday night and arranged for their controlled disposal. Overnight the gas engineers completed the gas rail alterations which were required for the new equipment installation.

National Gas Metering (NGM) Partner with Tyseley Energy Park - WV Howe Commercial Installation

The organisation that provides national gas metering services across the UK has hailed the commissioning of a hydrogen-led commercial catering kitchen as a “major milestone” in its hydrogen strategy.

W V Howe proudly announce the opening of their new showroom, conference facility and demonstration kitchen. This gives us the opportunity to show you our wide range of products and services. You can also see for yourselves some of the latest cooking equipment in action, and enjoy tasting the results!
If interested you are more than welcome to call in, by appointment. To make arrangements please email or call her on 00 44 121 433 3651.

WV Howe has fired the starting pistol on a five-year strategic growth plan that will include targeting new industry sectors and adding more in-house services to the business.
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